Personal Growth

"Unveiling Resilience: A 13-year-old Girl’s Journey Through Crisis and Resilience"

Does shortcomings really make you strong?

Shariqa Mukhtar


A girl sitting peacefully on the mountain top
Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Life has never been easy for anyone. It’s full of pain, hardships, criticism and rejection. But the good thing about life is it never stays the same. I was told this since my childhood that life is like a roller coaster. It is bad today but will be in my favor tomorrow.

I never believed it! Because it was full of crises, in fact, multiple crises concurrently. I was just 13 when my mother was diagnosed with severe back pain. We consulted the best doctor in the country, he suggested the terribly risky surgery. So, we decided to let her do complete bed rest as per doctor’s advice.

She wasn’t even able to move on her own. Being the elder daughter of the house, it was my responsibility to handle household chores. I had to look after my mother and my younger siblings and manage my studies as well. Anyhow, it is not something to forget that my father also suffered a lot. He did his job during the day to run the house and helped me with cooking, washing, laundry, etc. in the evening.

So how could I believe that so-called life is like a roller coaster. Full of ups and downs! It was just downs and downs for me.

Whenever I saw some girls of my age laughing and playing. I kept staring at them for so long. I asked myself the question that why God has chosen me for all these sufferings at a very young age. I cried at nights seeing my mother groaning with pain. I prayed and prayed and prayed.

Then after two years a miracle happened to us and the doctor told us that my mother had made an unbelievable recovery. This sentence was a lifesaver for me. I felt that someone had saved me from dying. This is such a great feeling for every daughter who has done it to her fullest for her mother.

Mother is a great blessing. Even when you have no reason to smile, be grateful to God and smile while seeing your mother alive. For a girl, her mother is her best friend forever.

After that, it seemed that my life was getting back on track. But what I learned through all these hardships is, no one will ever come to share your grief, your pain, your sufferings. Not life is full of pain, but the world is. I had found the answer to my question, why did God choose me?

Well, God chose me to show me the reality of my own people. To make me stronger to face the challenges. And now, I can say it proudly that I am a stronger and sedulous version of myself, who can remove all the obstacles coming in her path.

I want to advise you if you are also a victim of any shortcomings. Never give up, work hard for yourself and your family and the utmost thing never underestimate the power of praying.

Shariqa Mukhtar,

Lahore, Pakistan.

