A Good Idea

And The Scam Of The Year

Liam Ireland


Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash

Right now my Facebook Newsfeed is awash with people offering courses in how to earn a fortune from books you don’t even have to write yourself. These people claim that all it takes is as little as five hours a week, and there isn’t any tecky stuff to worry about. In next to no time, oodles of cash will be flooding into your bank account and you can give up your day job and retire to the Bahamas. Does this sound too good to be true? You betcha it does.

These people go on to say that it is all down to a little known secret. Well it is if you’re an orangutan couch potatoe binging of TV re-runs all day long. However, if you are a normal savvy and social media aware human being with an above average IQ, for sure you will have heard all about Amazon Audible and ebooks.

Granted Audible and ebooks are other potential outlets for your books which can earn you a few extra bucks. But make no mistake, the only people making mega money are well established, well known writers with a healthy following.

So, how does the idea being offered actually work? You pay these people on Facebook, spouting their false dreams and unrealistic results, between two and four thousand dollars for a course which will teach you how to go about it. The first thing that came to mind was, well if you guys know how to earn so much money (like…



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.https://www.amazon.com/author/ryanobryan