A Haven for the Cosmos

Poetry for #floralweek

Samantha Lazar
Sky Collection
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2020


Photo by Lee 琴 on Unsplash

I like my gardens untidy
twisted vines all wild with lust
a seasoned haven for the cosmos
high on photosynthesis

I’m not a fan of landscaping
with the bushes neatly pruned
I’d rather mix lilacs with petunias
see what happens near end of June

I line my trellis with cool moonflower
my fences with morning glory
they mingle with the wind chimes
and the bluejays tell the story

I’d rather be with roses
they ignore my want to bleed
I polish up my tarnished life
with snapdragons gone to seed

I hide in foxglove and columbine
planted in my secret garden
I take a flower bath once a day
so that my heart won’t harden.

© Samantha Lazar 2020

Thank you for reading. I’m a teaching and writing mom. I write poetry, fiction, and essays in celebration of being a Mom, Wife, Educator, Writer, & Lover of Life. ❤POMpoet❤ Follow my 2020 Sky Collection Project…

