A Hilarious Dip in Budapest’s Thermal Bath

It’s Easier Than You Think To Lend a Helping Hand

Jozsef Kovacs


Gellért Bath, Budapest
Photo by Joachim Lesne on Unsplash

It was a foggy Wednesday afternoon.

I had been sitting in front of the computer all day, trying to work. I couldn’t concentrate, so I wasn’t making much progress with my tasks.

I felt the need to get up.

Looking out the window, I wasn’t in the mood to take a walk in the damp late autumn weather.

I would have preferred to stay in the warm room, but I knew that this day wouldn’t yield much more in terms of productivity.

Since it was Wednesday, my usual day for going to the bath, there was nothing left to do but pack up and head out.

Budapest is the only capital in the world with thermal baths.

I have been going to baths for over 20 years.

For a long time, I used to go with a former colleague, with whom we would discuss life’s big issues, also on Wednesdays after work.

Lately, I go with my wife or alone.

The capital has more than 80 geothermal springs. The unique composition of the capital’s thermal water is utilized by eight bath institutions, mainly for medical, tourist, and recreational purposes.



Jozsef Kovacs

Executive Technology Consultant, Traveller, and Photographer. Writing about leadership, IT and travelling.