A Hilarious Tale Of A Famous Painting And My Witty Girlfriend

Once upon a time, my girlfriend stumbled upon the Mona Lisa painting while visiting the Louvre.

Hamza Shafiq


By Author Canva

She was struck by the painting’s enigmatic smile and decided to converse with the famous artwork.

“Hey there, Mona Lisa,” my girlfriend said with a grin. “Nice smile you’ve got there. Have you ever considered trying out toothpaste commercials?”

Mona Lisa, being the stoic painting she is, didn’t respond. Undeterred, my girlfriend continued to make jokes and witty remarks, hoping to get a reaction from the famous artwork.

“You know, Mona Lisa, you look like you’ve been stuck in that frame for a while. Are you secretly a vampire who can’t leave her painting?” My girlfriend teased me.

I was waiting for a response from Mona Lisa. But my girlfriend was determined to make the painting crack a smile.

“Alright, last one,” she said. “If you’re ever feeling blue, just remember — at least you’re not a painting of a potato like that other guy over there.”

Finally, Mona Lisa couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. My girlfriend had succeeded in making the famously inscrutable painting crack a smile.

