A Journey of Writing on Medium

Snatch a cup of coffee, and allow me to tell you about my venture.

Aeril Trinidad
5 min readSep 2, 2020


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

I’m about to dole out you with my journey and emerging under the mask of being a writer thus far, how I polished a quotidian writing routine and a sprinkle of advocacy that has bolstered me to diminish intrusions.

I proclaim — not a soul can — verbalize you, what one should execute rigidly to scribble day after day, whereas everyone’s niche is distinctive.

Writing is a walk of life that isn’t as easy as pie. It’s well-founded by countless prominent authors throughout the globe. I retrace those steps of J.K. Rowling, who pitch for his novel of Harry Potter that was rejected 12 times — and now, it is amongst the most chart-topping of all time.

An Expedition that Rounds Off as a Writer

Photo by Author

A part of my myself never visualized to be a writer someday. Yet, here I am, sharing my venture with you. Feel free to take a seat and connect with me throughout my expedition.

My name is Aeril Trinidad, simple but unique, right? And I am from the Philippines, It’s known for jaw-dropping tourist spots in the whole world. I am the youngest sibling in my family, and I’m pleased to say I am lucky that I breezed in from this bloodline.

For many of you who are skimming through with me, you have plausibly lived with serene life and a place that you can hover until you become mellow with your family.

But the thing is my life depends on me — well, all of us for sure. What I meant is, I don’t have an option but to must thrive sharper and forge a path for me to have a life that you can call and a place that you can spend it with your loved ones.

I’ve grown to have a middle-class life, and I’m thrilled to say that’s where I came upon to see the beauty of this world and realize I have more to fathomed out on myself.

Currently, I’m studying psychology to understand my true self and distinctively guide others in a way they can flourish themselves.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to devastates populations across the country, our duty must be united, vanquishing this catastrophe as one. Then, I construct my role of this delegation, not to have another hobby but to inspire people within these darkest times and continue in the face of adversity.

Writing is the lost piece to puzzle out my life and to culminate in the world at large. I’m strayed throughout my whole life, searching for a purpose that cultivates me as a person.

Photo by Benjamin Smith on Unsplash

The Day I Spotted a Part of Me

I started to write on Medium on May 30, 2020. I solicited myself that it’s an experiment — just an experience to enhance my style of writing, trying something new and getting our my comfort zone.

I had no idea how Medium truly works and how it will benefit the 19-year-old guy who’s longing is to make a difference in this world.

Thus, I became infatuated and suddenly desiring to pursue this career. Even though I was rejected multiple times, I pick myself up and never stop writing.

Perhaps, this might help you to cope up and find your feet again:

Escorted by three months of practical knowledge on Medium, I acknowledge that the purpose of writing is to hover upfront. I lingered forthright on what my intents to my readers, not to impress or feel admiration that only benefits me. I desire to make an impact, a positivity that scatters through coast-to-coast within the lives of people.

The irony is when you write, and you’re not beating around the bush, you do frankly impress your audience. Through being straightforward, I can smoothly express my intent to readers on writing an article.

I’m doubtless that if I acquired a portion of things I captured presently (three months passed), I would have conserved an amount of time, vigor, and bother across the equipment that doesn’t necessarily matter.

Heretofore, I’ve been writing every month about haikus, life-lessons and personal development. And I have no plan to obliterate my niche and preoccupied to continue this tradition.

I don’t forage for a proposition to write. Instead, I stick around in the cards of unique conception that will turn out to be significant to others — so should you.

I believe that Medium is a waiting game. If you want to be a part of it, you have to hang in there for the long haul.

In every venture, there’s always be a nosedive at the beginning, but if you are in the game for persistence and boldness, I’m certain you have a positive future ahead of you.

Final Notes

I am in the embryonic stage of my writing journey so far. Medium has provided me a possibility to express and discover what’s hiding behind the mask of I’m wearing.

I am pleased to say that I’ve shown a tendency, not just me, but all of us have the signs of future success to become professional writers.

Therefore, the expedition we’re undertaking is just the beginning. We all have the probability to stand out and make any difference.

I would be grateful to engage with other writers out there, learn from each other. To expose our true potential and take it as an advantage to make an impact in this world.

Good luck to all of us, spread the positivity! Thank you for reading!



Aeril Trinidad

Inspiring people is my top priority | Student and Writer | Passionate about writing poetry, life-lessons and personal growth | Email: aeriltrinidad@gmail.com