A Joyful Routine For Our Wellbeing!

1 Simple Routine that keeps me energized all day long

Nidhya Palaniappan
3 min readMar 20, 2022


Every one of us wishes to be joyful and stress-free every day. So naturally, we try a few different approaches for this. However, there is a simple practice that has helped me achieve this — the laughter routine!

When diagnosed with elevated TSH levels, I read the vital link between stress and autoimmune diseases like hypothyroidism in medical journals. So I tried to figure out how to deal with stress in the best way possible.

Fortunately, I unearthed Laughter and Laughing Yoga.

Photo by Alyssa Stevenson on Unsplash

According to studies, children smile approximately 300 times per day. However, we gradually lose the ability to smile or laugh as we grow older. We keep our faces and other muscles stiff, which adds to the stress we deal with daily.

I started practicing laughing yoga for about 10 minutes every day following Robert Rivest.

Also, whenever I had a break between my work, I began watching comedy clips for a few minutes.

The following are the significant benefits I’ve started to notice since committing to laughing for at least 15 minutes every day :

Positive Thoughts:
Laughter triggered more positive thoughts, which made me feel more empowered; I was able to see things in a more optimistic view and let go of old grudges.

Furthermore, laughing warmed my heart throughout the day, making it easier to cope with challenging and unexpected situations.

Calm Mind:
According to research, a good laugh can relieve physical tension in the body and keep muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes, ultimately relaxing our minds.

We take in more oxygen-rich air when we laugh, which stimulates the lungs, heart, and muscles, resulting in deep exhalations that lower the heart rate and blood pressure level. As a result, I remained calm and composed throughout the day.

Lessened Physical Pain:
Laughter causes the release of feel-good hormones endorphins in the body, which counteracts the adverse effects of stress hormones like cortisol.

My frequency of muscle and joint aches has decreased dramatically due to continued practice. In addition, my pain tolerance improved during menstrual cramps.

Improved Sleep Quality:
According to Japanese researchers, laughing stimulates melatonin production, the hormone released by the brain at the onset of sleep.

I slept better because laughter helped me shift my focus from anger, guilt, stress, and other negative emotions.

Strengthened relationship:
Laughter is not only contagious, but it also makes you more enticing.

As I continued practicing laughing yoga, I began to see the lighter side of things, be more open to others, and share laughter. It then eventually helped to strengthen my bonds with my family, friends, and coworkers.

Other Physiological Benefits of Laughter:

According to the Canadian Lung Association, laughter improves exhalation by removing stale air, allowing more oxygen to enter. Laughter further enhances oxygen distribution throughout the body.

Laughter has been shown in studies to increase the number of antibody-producing cells in our bodies and improve the effectiveness of T cells, which is nothing but a robust immune system and fewer physical symptoms of stress.

In addition to all of this, my TSH levels returned to normal after I continued to practice laughter and other self-care measures.

Final Thoughts

According to Science, that laughter alters our brain and body chemistry and aids us in numerous ways as below :

· Reduced Stress

· Better Night’s Sleep

· Reduced physical pain

· Increased Immunization

· Enhanced Attraction

· Strong Bonding

We can achieve this by devoting a few minutes of our valuable time and undivided attention.

Are you ready to laugh for at least 15 minutes every day?



Nidhya Palaniappan

Pragmatic Agilist| Passionate Traveller | Lifelong Learner !