A Letter From Me, To You, in Another Universe

Will I ever get the chance to know you?

Annisa RT


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Dear, you

There’s something that has been bothering my mind, and I really want to know. I’m really curious about us. Yes, us: humans.

I’m fascinated by humans.

Don’t you see? Humans are unexpected, yet they are predictable. They are passionate, yet nonchalant. They are annoying, yet amusing. They are strong, yet sensitive. They are strange, yet loving.

They are everything about me, you, us, and everybody else.

All the traits that reflect us, the characters that shape us, the personalities that portray us, aren’t those parts of what make us human?

And even though we are distinctly unique from each other, we were born from the same dust. Nearly all the elements in our bodies were made from the stars, through several supernovas.

I found it fascinating — we, humans, are very much special, and yet, we are nothing but a speck of dust in this macrocosmic universe.

Dear, you

I asked myself this question so many times:

Can we, humans, really understand each other, unravel other’s personalities, find out who they are — purely, without our judgment and



Annisa RT

Writer. A curious soul striving for personal growth. Writes on Mental Health, Self, Psychology, Writing & Marketing | More insight: bit.ly/thecuriositymagnet