A Letter To My Brother

Free Verse poem (from my Letter Series)

Ravyne Hawke
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Photo by CHIRAG K on Unsplash

I wonder if the words you tossed at me
when suicide had its grip upon my soul
muddled around in your mind
as you sat there, shotgun in hand —

Just don’t do it here
I don’t want to clean up that mess

I would have gone quietly
from too many pills and vodka —
a deadly cocktail before endless sleep

But not you, with your fiery personality
no, you had to go out with a bang!
You didn’t even think of your children
or the matter a shotgun blast would leave

Once I would have envied you —
How brave to make it to the end goal!
A place I am now thankful I never reached

It’s been a year since you pulled that trigger
How I wish you had heeded your advice to me

Not here — no one wants to clean that up

Instead, I’d prefer you to still be here
You — the beautiful mess I held so dear



Ravyne Hawke

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh