A Letter to my Grandson

You have a bright future ahead of you.

John Archer


My grandson was born this past August, 2023. He is my first grandchild on my bloodline. My partner and I have two beautiful granddaughters from her previous marriage.

I was (and still am) 65 years old when he was born, and I was drawn to write a letter to him that he can read when he is 65.

Dear Grandson,

Welcome to the world. You are in for some exciting times in your life. Let me tell you a little about my life from the time I was born, until your birth.

AI generated photo of a smiling baby boy
This is not my grandson, but instead an AI-generated photo from Pixlr

I was born in the last century, in the year 1958, which makes me 65 years old on your birth date. If you read this when you are 65, it will be 2088, and I will be 130 years old. One of the first questions will be… is your grandfather still alive? Will medical advancements allow me to live to see your 65th birthday? It’s unthinkable in 2023, but who is to say what will happen in the next ten or twenty years. I will tell you that I plan to be around as long as I possibly can.

When I was growing up, the only forms of communication were the telephone and writing letters to be mailed at the post office. We had one telephone in our house, and it was connected by copper wires to a switching building in the city, which would route our calls to whom we were trying to…



John Archer

Eisenhower baby. Sportscaster. Amateur photographer. IT Pro. Ham radio operator. Oh, and I occasionally write about my life and my memories.