A Life Without Worry

Andrew Briley
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2020

Is it too good to be true?

Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash

Imagine what life would be like without any stress or worries. How would you approach your day?

Your tone of voice may be lighter with an air of friendliness and an honest interest in others. Short tempers would cease to exist. Maybe you’d bring a cup of coffee to your coworker, or perform an act of kindness to a stranger.

I imagine I’d lose any hostility, annoyance, impatience, and even desire that I had. Without worries, there’d be nothing to wish for.

In a world free from stress and worry, I’d have no reason to buy items for status purposes or to keep up with trends. I’d finally recognize that I have all I need in my clothes, food, home, family, and friends.

There’s nothing I can buy, do, see, or experience that could change my point of view of the world.

If something went wrong at work, at home, or elsewhere, it would simply pass by and fade away. If an accident happened to me or a loved one, I’d simply hold more appreciation for what I had, rather than focus on the negative.

We can live that way now.

All that’s necessary to achieve such a world is to live in the present moment. Worrying about the future or ruminating about the past should cease to exist. By focusing on the present, the only thing that can and should worry you is the ignorance of your surroundings. Why not observe all the beauty in everyday life.

While walking along the streets, notice any trees, falling leaves, eye-catching architecture, friendly faces, and the diversity of life all around. Hold reverence for even the most mundane — a rainbow, the sun playing hide and seek with the clouds.

Be grateful for the current moment, and find all your worries and stress evaporate.

You can forgo any negative emotions. A fully present moment has no room for sadness, fear, or anxiety.

Stop whatever you’re doing and take a moment to reflect on all that you see; find gratitude hiding behind closed pantries, gracefulness fluttering from tree to tree, and authenticity falling from the sky.

Life in the present is a life worth living.

The whole thing is quite hopeless, so it’s no good worrying about tomorrow. It probably won’t come — Tolkien

