A little more, than what I was before.

Tiny narrations by Sneh.

Sneh Gaurav
3 min readJun 18, 2023


Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash

Remember when we were kids and they asked us, “Who do you want to be when you grow up?”? What are your dreams and what would you like to do when you grow up? My head hurt from answering all those philosophical questions. As for what you said, I am not sure, but I do remember saying that an airplane, a tomato, or a cloud. And they used to laugh so hard after listening to my childish yet silly answers.

Well, I’m here now, writing my own story in my own words. A lil confused and a lil clear in my head too!

Photo by Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash

Now, as I look back in time and think about those days and hazy memories, I can’t help but be filled with nostalgia and longing. Those were simpler times when life didn’t seem so complicated and complex. I can still remember the way the sun shone through the windows, and the sound of laughter ringing in the air. I can still feel the warmth of the summer breeze and the joy of making new friends. It’s funny how quickly time passes, yet those memories remain vivid and alive.

I still don’t know who I want to be in life because just like everyone else, I have already lived through so many versions of myself that who I am simply cannot be put under one label. At times, I feel like I’m constantly trying on different personas and finding myself in unexpected places, while other times, I feel like I’m just me.

Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

I know I’m a happy human. You may know me as a writer. But there’s so much more. That I am, and you are too. It’s not just a bunch of nouns and adjectives out of a dictionary. It’s a culmination of things that don’t have names. That can only be experienced, felt, and kept within. It’s an ever-changing mental and physical force that’s constantly changing and evolving.

How do I know who I want to be when I wake up every day to become a new, more confident me? Even if I choose not to acknowledge what I see!

I am living here in what we call the ‘present’ and now, shaping myself into someone who never fails to surprise and delight me. I’m all but a human now. The ‘want’ to become something is long dead.

Photo by Vanessa Serpas on Unsplash

An empty page today, a prose tomorrow. How do I know?

Do you realize how everything around you and inside you is constantly changing and how far have you made it into the existing shell, which is constantly transforming with each passing day?

Pause for a while. It’s fascinating. Observe.

Cheers to all those things in my life that make me smile and happy each and every day!




Sneh Gaurav

In this world full of papers, I promise to write you letters.