A Little Stormy Weather

Hilbeth Jean Melencion
Published in
Mar 25, 2023
Photo by Nick Kernick on Unsplash

I want a little stormy weather,

An odd choice you'd say, rather.

I don’t know if I’m weird

Or I’m just a bereaved

Who doesn’t know what for

Or, who she’s grieving for

I love a little stormy weather

But sometimes, I’d also prefer

A little sunshine, please

To my heart it would appease

I want to experience a warm hug

From anyone but a bug

Give me a little ray of sun

To lighten my stromy pun

Yes, I love a little stormy weather

But for now, a little ray of sunshine would be better.

Originally published at http://curiofinds.wordpress.com on March 25, 2023.

A response to the prompt at wordpress: What is your favorite type of weather?

Thank you for reading! ☺

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Hilbeth Jean Melencion

I am just a curious little curio. A graduate of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.