A Me And The Many Companions

Gratitude to the fur balls

Divya Goswami
2 min readAug 30, 2023


Pictures of the author from her private collection over the years with her fur balls. Collage created with Canva.

In you I find the body guard
following even when the shadows leave my side

In you I find the destroyer
teaching me to detach from the material

In you I find the teacher
to think about every plastic step I take

In you I find joy
acknowledging our give and take in the fleeting moments

In you I find simplicity
playing with unmaned objects and then letting them be

In you I find a seeker
unafraid to try every experience in your journey

In you I find a rebel
defying the rules and barked orders of the others

In you I find an angel
caring with devotion unconditionally

In you I find a witness
watching with all your senses, this life going by

In you I find nothing but love
for I am loved back manifold in abandon




As the eyes fill, soaking the heart and soul… in gratitude to the dogs who live with me beyond years, the ones I had brief street encounters with, the ones rescued from being unwelcome … you have healed, taught and loved me beyond words.

Let us all continue to live in harmony with the many creations of existence. Acknowledging to create a safer enviornment, cleaner planet and a better space to breathe.

The author is an Indian Classical Dancer, Performer, Educator, Storyteller, Writer and TEDx Speaker. For more works from her, do follow on Instagram and Facebook.



Divya Goswami

Kathak Exponent & Educator. Artistic Director & Owner of Divyakala. Writer & Storyteller about Indian Heritage, Arts & Life. TEDx Speaker. National Awardee.