A Melancholic Solitude

A lyrical poem dedicated to the sadness one deals when they are shunned away.

Riku Arikiri


Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

Sigh, Oh sigh my heart torn within
you left, and I feel this sadness brewing mad
it’s hard, so hard without my locked mind
the strength I had, has now gone tired

though I try, oh I try
for me, it’s easier to cry, now I cry
as the words of my past self, sing a new reprise
echoing silently towards my ride

I want to hold, you as I try
to seek your love, and it’s comforting embrace
true feelings I had, and now they hurt
I look for signs, lost inside

wanting to savor, your touch on my skin
aching to feel your fingertips
grazing through my hair, you caress
with love, and measure of affection — pride

tears flow, readily for you
I want you here, as I hide
from the pain that breathes another cry
I need the love, that I once gave — without a price

Thank you so much for reading.



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.