A Minimalist View on Infobesity

Thoughts on taking control of information overload

Mark C. Titi


Image by John Hain from Pixabay

About 75% of our brain is made up of water. So why don’t we filter it?

We shouldn’t seek to control how much or how fast information flows into our mind. But we do want to rapidly absorb what we need and reroute the rest.

Subconsciously we experience an awful lot. The human body sends 11 million bits per second to the brain for processing, yet the conscious mind seems to be able to process only 50 bits per second. This information overload never allows the conscious mind to catch up. But the real problem is when we try.

Water has to be collected from many different sources. Then it's pumped and piped to a place where it can be purified.

It’s the same for us. We can engage with television, the internet, social media, gaming, books, magazines, newspapers, mobile devices, classes, audios, videos, movies, billboards, nature, the workplace, friends, family, neighbors, pets. You name it. We can smell the roses, taste a new flavor of ice cream or touch a light switch. And much more.



Mark C. Titi

Your nonprofit work experience has turned into a nightmare. I help disillusioned nonprofit aficionados reclaim their personal mission. markctiti.com