A Mother’s Prayer for Her Baby

Ann Mary Alexander
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2023


A poem dedicated to all the wonderful mothers in the world.

A girl yesterday,
A woman today,
And a mother tomorrow
Surreal it seems.
Each phase shift breaks and builds me,
From hollow to whole I feel.

Each morning surprises me,
Confusion sets in.
Another heart besides mine beats,
Another leg kicks from within ,
You live inside me, within me.
Each step I make reminds me of you.
Every breath I carefully take is for you.

When I hold you for the first time,
Your soft body against my bare chest,
I’ll stare at you, wonder at the marvellous creation you are,
I’ll let you breathe with me.
I’ll see what you have imbibed from me.
I’ll hold on to you never wanting to let go.

Your small feet shall walk miles,
Your small fingers will stretch towards the sky,
Your hair will bounce with the wind and land imperfectly on your face.

I may not be there till the end for you,

I’ll be the soft whisper in the leaves,
Or the angelic blue cloud in the sky,
I’ll be the invisible air clasping you tight,
Behind your ears and under your feet.

My dear, the truth is real.
No matter where I am,
We’ll be together,

Because I’m there in you and you in me.

