A Moving Experience: 1 Day. The Perils of Claudine

Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2021


Photo by Sammy Williams on Unsplash

Isn’t life amazing? Just when you think things can’t get any worse, they do. In spades. Our storage company was supposed to come at 8 am to move our 70-some carefully packed and numbered cartons plus our remaining furniture to their storage facility. Yesterday their point person, Roberto, called and spoke to my husband, saying that “maybe” they wouldn’t be coming at 8 am but rather “in the afternoon.” WHAT? Permits are needed to set up an external ladder, and these permits are for a specific time frame. They can’t be improvised, as his response would suggest. Which in turn suggests that he hadn’t applied for a morning permit at all.

We sent the company a clear note saying that if they didn’t show up, we would find an alternative. But a new storage company at this stage? We assumed there would be alternatives, including more expensive (though decidedly more reliable) ones. The issue isn’t finding another facility eventually; it’s the urgency of the timing. I have to leave on Thursday because my dog is leaving on Thursday. No flex factor available. The pet relocation company told me yesterday that there is a huge backlog of demand for pet transport due to COVID: an airline slot is harder to land than a ticket for Hamilton. So I can’t change our tickets.

My husband is scheduled to leave on Saturday, and he does have flexibility. He…




writer, PR professional, mother, dog-lover, traveler. See more at www.paroleanima.com