A Point to Keep in Mind Before Falling into a Relationship

Kiran Khannas
Published in
5 min readAug 3, 2023


What precautions do we need to understand?

Photo from Pixabay

We consider attachment as love, and it is the biggest mistake we unknowingly, impacting the rest of our lives. Most of us realize this when we go through the aftereffects.

We need to exercise caution.

You can love the person you want, but be careful if you attach your happiness to that person. We do this with our spouse and children, and later on, when they leave, we become paranoid about the feeling of loneliness. It caused a lot of issues of depression and suicide.

The mind program, which we have hard-wired with the word attachment, is difficult to re-wire.

Imagine a couple, Sarah and John, who have been together for several years. They are deeply in love, but their attachment to each other is unusually strong. They feel the need to be constantly in each other’s company, and their lives seem to revolve entirely around each other.

At first, this level of attachment seems like a beautiful expression of their love. However, over time, they begin to lose sight of their individual identities. Sarah and John stop pursuing their passions, interests, and friendships outside the relationship because their attachment has become all-consuming.

Eventually, things take a turn. Due to unforeseen circumstances, John needs to move to a different city for a job opportunity. Sarah, who has become overly attached to him, feels devastated by the prospect of a long-distance relationship. She struggles to cope with the idea of being apart from John and becomes emotionally dependent on him.

As time passes, their relationship becomes strained. The initial love they shared becomes overshadowed by Sarah’s fear of losing John. She becomes insecure and overly possessive, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings between them.

Sadly, the attachment-driven relationship takes its toll on both Sarah’s and John’s emotional well-being. They feel trapped and unable to grow as individuals. Eventually, the strain becomes too much, and their relationship ends in heartbreak.

In this example, Sarah and John mistook their intense attachment for love. Their inability to distinguish between the two had a profound impact on their lives, resulting in emotional distress and the end of their relationship. Had they recognized the difference between healthy love and excessive attachment, they might have found a more balanced and fulfilling way to love each other without losing their individual identities.

The key takeaway here is that love should not suffocate or control us; it should empower and uplift us. Understanding the distinction between attachment and love can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships, allowing individuals to grow both individually and together.

Before you fall in love, line precaution and think through what the difference is between love and attachment.

Attachment is not something that we can use casually. This hurt you and another person with whom you attached withdrawal symptoms. I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms and want to caution you if you unknowingly use the word attachment with someone you fall in love with.

“He, who is overly attached to his family members, experiences fear, and sorrow, for the root of all grief is the attachment. Thus one should discard attachment to be happy,” — Chanakya Quotes.

We often say I am in a relationship. I have attached it.

Attachment means your mind now depends on others. It is a weakness whenever you become dependent on others and have been given remote control of your happiness.

If you depend on others’ behavior and actions, it is natural for you to get hurt. They will never be perfect, as per your definition.

If you say I am attached, it is natural for me to get hurt. It is an invitation to hurt. When you try to detach, your emotional well-being will get spoiled. It often brings in unprecedented changes which you are prepared to handle.

Now the wonder word is detachment, not meaning indifference or being careless or it does not bother you. You can detach living under one roof and attach living miles away.

Learn the meaning of detachment; it is just the de-linking of your dependency on others, not physically but mentally. This way, you never feel rejected and hurt.

Learn the difference between connection and attachment. The emotional connection in relation gives you power; attachment sucks the life out.

You can suggest, improve, and guide others to change their behavior, but you will not feel hurt if others choose not to change.

Now, think about a situation in which your spouse lost a job, which depresses her. What she requires now?

A motivation of yours, right?

Suppose you become sad by this since it attaches you to her. You are not doing any good to get her out of this situation.

It is a problem with attachment. When you try to console me, you might say leave me alone for some time. Maybe it feels like negative energy from you, which is the onset of friction in the relationship.

If you detach, it gives her positive high-frequency energy to come out of this situation. It is the power of unconditional love and practicing de-attachment. You will always radiate positive energy and vibrations.

Only one exception to this rule you need to get attached to someone who will never hurt you and always take care of you with HIS blessings and unconditional love. Once you have an abundance of this unconditional love, you will give to others. Connect with that someone and surrender yourself with full faith and trust.

Talk to your internal belief system for any problems; he will give you silent answers. Practice the attachment with the belief system 24*7.

You will see wonders in your life. It is a personal, beautiful and constant relationship with your belief system.

Do This Experiment With Me For 2 Mins

Bring the person in your imagination with whom you want to improve your relationship.

Say the past is past; put a full stop to past thoughts. It is the connection of mind with mind.

I am a giver in this relationship.

I want nothing from this relationship.

I have love and power in abundance.

I have everything.

I only radiate love and respect for them.

I accept them in an as-is state.

They accept me as I am.

My relationship is smooth and unconditional.

In Conclusion -

  1. No emotional dependence
  2. Unconditionally giving
  3. Detached by the mind, not physically
  4. Attached with Belief System
  5. Meditation is a way to connect with the Belief system

ATTACHMENT that slow poison which kills us each passing day — Priyadarshinee Mohanty

