A Practical Way to Access Your Real Power
The Breath of God is Breathing Me
I realize that my breath is in fact the breath of God. How could it be otherwise if I am created in Its image and likeness? Are the Creator and I, not One? Could this Infinite Intelligence create anything other than what It is?
No, It could not.
My breath is calling me to remember all the qualities of unlimited joy, wisdom, prosperity, wholeness, health, creativity, beauty, happiness, and peace that are inherent within me.
I cannot inhale for yesterday and I certainly cannot exhale for tomorrow. I can only take this holy (whole) breath right now. And when I am mindful, it becomes the portal through which I align with my full spiritual power.
I now have complete access to all that is Source Energy. A brilliance and genius so intelligent, a wisdom so profound and peace so compelling, that my literal experience of Oneness is beyond description.
It is blissfully, ineffable.
As I embody and experience the high vibration of appreciation for the breath of Life, I realize I am already complete. There is nothing to get, nothing to do. For the Kingdom of God (the Consciousness of Love) is already within me.