A Powerful but Unusual Manifestation Technique

The law of attraction technique that targets your subconscious mind.



The Law of Attraction suggests that your thoughts shape your reality. This has prompted a community of individuals to change the way they think in order to manifest their dream life. However, the truth is that there is no one size fits all technique when it comes to manifesting.

Some people swear by affirmations, while others opt for visualization or scripting instead. The most effective tool depends on the individual itself. While all these happen to be popular techniques for manifestation, a lesser-known one is called subliminal messaging.

Background Information

In order to understand what they are, we first have to understand the trinity of the mind. It consists of the conscious, unconscious, and subconscious mind.

Imagine an iceberg. The tip of it you can see would be your conscious mind while the larger part of it that is underwater and cannot be seen is your subconscious and unconscious mind.

The conscious mind is all about what can be seen and the things that we are aware of.

The subconscious and unconscious minds, on the other hand, are about the things we may not be aware of




26-year-old island girl from Southeast Asia.