A Powerful mantra you could learn in a few seconds

Thomas Lam
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2023

The Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra is a very powerful mantra that is easy to remember. No worry, I will let you how to pronounce the mantra at the end of the article.

Source : By Ogodej on WikiMedia Commons

The Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra (also known as Six-word Great Enlightening Dharani) is :

Om Mani Padme Hum

  • It is the mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva who is famous for his compassion. “A thousand pleas will receive a thousand responses; in this sea of suffering, he is the boat that continually ferries all across.” (The Universal Gateway of Guanyin Bodhisattva)
  • Although that mantra is very short, it is considered a very powerful mantra, admired both by Tibetan Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Theravada Buddhism alike. Monks and Buddhists all around the world recite it many times every day.
Guanyin Bodhisattva: by Underwaterbufflao on WikiMedia Commons

Meanings of the The Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra

  • Traditionally, it is believed that mantra should not be translated . Every word and every pronunciation of a mantra contain limitless meaning. Translation is unable to encompass its full appearance and profound implications. In fact, some think that it is the sound vibrations that lead to resonance with the Bodhisattva or Buddha that are important; thinking about the meaning may be a distraction. Therefore, mantras have always retained the original Sanskrit sounds; naturally, there will be some minor differences due to regional accents.

However, the Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra is an exception. You can find explanations for that Mantra.

Om : represents the primordial sound of the universe, symbolizing the. essence of all creation.

Mani:means jewel and signifies the altruistic intention to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. It represents compassion.

Padme : means lotus, symbolizing purity and spiritual awakening. The lotus is often associated with the enlightened mind, which rises above the muddy waters of worldly attachments. It represents wisdom

Hum: represents indivisibility, emphasizing the unity of compassion and wisdom. It is seen as the embodiment of enlightened activity and the power to overcome obstacles. It suggests that true enlightenment is not only about cultivating wisdom but also embodying compassion in one’s actions towards oneself and others.

By Martin Woortman on Unsplash

The Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra is very powerful

Introduction to the Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra can be found in Kärandavyuha-sütra

  • Essence of Avalokitesvara’s (another name for Guanyin Bodhisattva ) wisdom: “This Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani is the delicate and marvelous essential heart of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Mahasattva.”
  • Immense blessings from writing: “if anyone writes this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening- Dharani, that is equal to writing 84 thousand Dharma-Stores. If anyone uses heavenly gold and jewels to make as many Buddha-statues as there are fine dust in the world and then praises, offers and sustains them for one day, the good results that he will gain are less than the good results gained by writing one of the words of this Six-Words-Great- Enlightening-Dharani.”
  • Leads to spiritual realizations and samadhis: “If any virtuous man or virtuous woman read this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani one time in the correct manner, he will achieve these 108 Samadhis…’(Samadis is an advanced state of meditation)
  • Liberates from suffering and reaches enlightenment: “It leads us to the door of liberation and reveals the state of Nirvana. It eliminates greed, angers and ignorance forever and perfects the Dharma-Stores.”
  • Purifies karma, prevents rebirth in lower realms: “If anyone gets this Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani, then the three poisons: greed, anger, and ignorance cannot pollute him.”

How to release the power of The Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra

  • It is said that you should not seek Buddhahood outside of yourself; the substances for the achievement of Buddhahood are within. By chanting , reciting (in the heart or speaking out) sincerely , or writing the mantra mindfully (i.e., no multi-tasking) and constantly (some recite several thousand times every day), one is planting bodhi seeds in your eight – consciousness, which is the place that stores your karmic seeds.
  • The importance of chanting mantras lies in the practitioner’s devotion. What is important is that one focuses the mind, sincerely recites, and recites until no thoughts arise.
  • Moreover, you can benefit from wearing Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra bracelets or rotating player wheel anti-clockwisely which is equivalent to reciting the mantra many times. But if you are wearing the bracelet, you better put it down when you go to the toilet. “If anyone wears it on his body, holds it, or carries it with him, he also will not be polluted by greed, anger, and ignorance.”
Prayer Wheel : by Tim van Kempen on Unsplash
Hand-held prayervwheel : by archer10 on WikiMedia Commons

Hand-held prayer wheel with the mantra placed inside, and by rotating it anti –clockwisely, it is equivalent to reciting the mantra many times.

Why will it work ?

  • As already pointed out at the beginning of the article, the mantra is related to Guanyin Bodhisattva, who promises to help whoever ask for help. When you are reciting the mantra sincerely, you are connected with the Bodhisattva. And since the power of the Bodhisattva is unlimited, you will receive enormous support.

Om : Youtube link to a Buddhist monk chanting “Om”, with frequency, 432 Hz , it is believed that listening to that sound can help you to mediate and help you relax.

Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra : Youtube link to a Buddhist monk chanting the Mantra

Six-syllable Brilliant Mantra : Youtube link to a Buddhist nun “lively” (Bet you would love it) chanting the Mantra (Starting at 12:55)in a way that help you to remember the mantra. She suggested that reciting the mantra can help you tackle adverse conditions. e.g. When you are very angry and going to hit someone, reciting the mantra can help you calm down.

Beware, the gate of hell may be opened: Link to my previous article

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Thomas Lam

I am passionate about sharing the profound wisdom and insights of Buddhism with a global audience. All the comments are welcome