A Practical Example of The Depth Tracking Software is Going To Right Now

Lord Dukes de Enfer
Published in
7 min readDec 3, 2023


And it’s so much worse than you think it is.

***I have no professional affiliation with Privacy Badger nor have I ever received compensation from them***

I have an app called PrivacyBadger. It’s awesome. It’s not an ad blocker, but it blocks things. It blocks all the other stuff you know is there, but if it’s not right in front of you (like an ad for a video game or Harbour Freight) you can willfully ignore its existence.

Which is what I usually do. Well, I used to.

Recently (last couple of years) new software from a company called “Admiral” has found its way to a lot of major corporate websites. It forces you to white-list the site so you see ads, or it annoys you into leaving the site.

I have never had a problem with reasonable ads, especially with the money these companies spend on content. They provide a service I appreciate and I hope they stay in business.

One site in particular I’m a fan of has had Admiral a long time and it never lets me pass. Which is weird because I don’t use an ad blocker on certain devices. I assumed it was just shitty glitchy software. I even went so far as to reach out to the Admiral and the site. No response.

About a week ago the Admiral thing popped up on Reuters.com and I was like, “ok what is going on?”. I wasn’t using an ad blocker.



Lord Dukes de Enfer

Shit is about to get real. Or I’m just going to complain a lot. "Medium is the new Penthouse Forum" - Ben Adler