A Practical Guide To Better Immunity

Priyashaa Ghos
Published in
9 min readMay 3, 2020


Image by silviarita from Pixabay

“Everything is super important. Until you are sick. Then you realize there was only ever one thing that was important.

Your health.

But nonetheless we borrow from the bank of our health, taking loans on stress and sleepless nights to pay for something that doesn’t really matter.” — Unknown

Health was never my forte. But I learned the most about it when I was going through one of the most difficult phases of my life. It was January 2016. My father was not keeping well health-wise. I thought he would get well gradually but things got worse. He became frail and thin and was not able to eat anything.

After multiple visits to the doctors, blood tests, MRI scans, and heavy medications he ended up having a major tumor operation located inside his colon. While in the hospital, he also had a heart attack and ended up in the ICU.

One day felt like an eternity to pass. At that time, I just started working on my first solo project as an entrepreneur. But then I had to stop it midway abruptly and focus on my family. Suddenly, I had so many added responsibilities. And I was working twenty hours out of twenty-four hours each day non-stop.

It gives me goosebumps now when I think of how I navigated that phase. A day never seemed to cease. I used to go to the bed…



Priyashaa Ghos

A person with a lot of interests and experiences! MCA, App Developer, Founder of inspiredawe.co & Creator of ‘Design Your Day Planner’ — bit.ly/2A48IYt