A Prayer - For All Days and For Everyone

I wrote this on a day when I was feeling low. This is a prayer. But then again prayers just come to you. Whatever religion you are from, whether you believe in miracles or not, this is a prayer that will empower you. So sit down, play some nice music if you want to. And pray through this.

Sohrab Khandelwal
5 min readFeb 2, 2022


Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

Smite them God who tries to hurt me. I cannot do anything to them. I’m powerless but you God are not. God, you are all-powerful you watch it all, you see the injustice and bring them to justice.

In you, I surrender. I surrender to God and I seek refuge. Protect me, God. Protect me, my God. For without you I’m not anything. I’m just a rotten piece of vegetable that has no strength without you. You instill in me freshness, you instill me with love, you instill me with strength, you instill me with power, you instill me with strength. You instill me, with truth and knowing and understanding. You make my decisions. I Demand the universe to awaken my hidden strengths to awaken my latent luck and fortune. I demand the universe to respond to my acts of kindness. I respond to love with love and to hate with love. Destroy all the obstacles that bind my mind, Oh Guru. Free my mind from the notions of good, evil and take it above the sea of fury and the fire of misery. I love you, GOd. I have faith in you. Protect me for I have none other than you. You come in different forms to love me, you come in different forms to test me, you come in different forms to guide me. Oh God, I feel tired and I find no rest, I‘m in the doldrums, Please give wind to me and help me soar over my bad karmas. Destroy my ill-karmas that stop me from receiving my good fortunes and give me joy oh God. I feel tired at times and tears are at the corner of my eyes. I don’t know how to move forward and I feel lost without you. Help me Lord master of my life and awaken me. Make me invincible and make me the king. I love the fact that I can pray to you. Make my faith in you stronger than ever.

This is my prayer. This is my prayer.

Make this come true. May I, see the truth. May I, be a channel of love and blessings. May I, be a channel of joy. May I, walk on your will God. I wish to succeed. I want to succeed. I want to feel successful and I want to be successful. Remove the thoughts that put me through the darkness. Remove the thoughts that take me away from me. Destroy the thoughts are not useful for my growth. Destroy fire of anger that burns my organs and replace it with the fire of a desire to do good and let that fire shine through my eyes and ignite the flame of love in my heart. God in you alone I seek refuge. You, my God, has many names and has many qualities and I’m amazed at the mere thought of you. I don’t know the right way but I know you are there. God guide me through this perilous path where snakes of Maya await me on both sides. God, hold me steady so that I may pass through and stay balanced. I have nothing to offer you in return. Everything I have is given of you. There is dirt in my mind and my heart is shrunk. Where Shall I give you a place to reside? There is nothing I can offer you. I’m a beggar and I’m struck by my ego. I’m vulnerable to many psychic attacks and to the temptations of the world. Yet I discovered this one moment where I could see it all. And this moment of awareness is due to your Grace. It’s your Grace that has made this prayer possible. It’s your Grace that I can even think of you. It’s your Grace that I‘m able to pray to you. With folded hands, I thank you for your Grace. With a silent mind, I seek your refuge. With an open heart, I seek your refuge. You gave me life and now teach me to live. Bless me God for I may stay on your path. Bless me God. Bless me with divinity, Bless me with fortunes, Bless me with love. Bless me with understanding. Bless me with thoughts of gratitude. Bless me with friends. Shower upon me your blessings Lord. For you alone are my master. Wipe my tears and clear my mind, lighten my heart that weighs heavy with the mistakes of the past. Enrich me God. And by your grace awaken the latent potential to do good and carry out your deeds. You alone my God can save me from the patterns of my mind. You alone my God can help me break free from the cycle of birth and death.

You alone can save me, God.Waheguru. Allah. Ram. Shiva.

I take all the names that civilizations have given you. Onkar. You are the creator and the destroyer. My soul seeks to unite with you. Quench my thirst with your true name that nobody can speak. Instill in me actions that take me to the truth. Instill in me actions that take me to everlasting bliss. Instill in me actions that take me to peace, love, and joy. Prepare me to receive your boundless blessings. Prepare me to receive all of your blessings. Prepare me to receive abundance of love. Make me worthy of you, such that you reside in me at all times. Cleanse me of limiting thoughts and free me from the effects of the past. Make me a master of my memory and free me from the depressions and anxieties. I demand of the universe to open itself for this prayer to come true with your Grace God. Bless me with what’s good for me, God. Save me.

Attention O Mind. Attention my Mind. Attentive my mind.





Sohrab Khandelwal

A BAFTA Qualifying multiple award winner Filmmaker. I once used to be an engineer. I’m a Free Thinker who writes on philosophy, spirituality, and slice of life