A Princess Warrior Work in Progress: Dawn Bevier

Full of life, full of opposites, and full of “princess-warrior” ambitions

Dawn Bevier


Image by author

About Me

I’ve always been that girl with crazy dreams.

In high school, I wanted to be the rocker chick who read Shakespeare and the theater geek who hung out with the “fast” and rebellious ones who smoked cigarettes behind the cafeteria.

I’m still fascinated by opposites. Perhaps because there are so many different sides to me. I’m a makeup addict who believes that it’s important to feel beautiful, so that makes me shallow, right?


My favorite writings are by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and I am particularly obsessed with his essay “Self-Reliance.” I desperately want to discuss it with someone, but it seems the world is not as enamored with philosophical thinking as I am.

They have more important things to focus on, such as what they can write in 280 characters on Twitter. It saddens me.

Quite profoundly.

One of my favorite artists is The Weeknd. So, I’m cool and hip for a forty-something, right?


My favorite place in my home is my writing room, also coined my “Sherlockian” room…



Dawn Bevier

I am a teacher, thinker, learner, and writer. You can reach me at dawn.bevier@yahoo.com