A Quick Question

Part 1: An Untitled Story Sequence

comfort eboigbe
2 min readJan 22, 2024


Is it horribly wrong to ask my father for my share of His wealth while he is still very much alive?

Personally, I believe it straightforward, but I may be more than a little biased.

Let me back up a bit!

My name is John. Before you answer the question and hastily judge me, let me give you a little context.

I am from a family of three. It’s always been just me, my older brother and my dad. Well, let’s not forget the help and my father’s precious flock of sheep.

Yes, flock of sheep!

My father is a wealthy man in so many regards, but what he enjoys most is tending and doting on his flock of sheep. He watches over it with so much devotion and taught us to do the same.

Rich men and their quirks!

I have never understood it. I always planned to sell the sheep off if I ever got a chance, but that could only happen once he dies or grows old, whichever comes first.

I wish that was the only thing weird about my father.

In my father’s house is more than I could ever need, but I think that he is a very wicked man because he gives a lot of it away and would never let me indulge for even a moment.

‘John, sobriety is a strength,’ He would always say.

When I ask him to give me a portion to manage, he would say,

“Oh John, you are not ready!”

He keeps my dutiful brother in charge of his business, but all that one knows to do is work and work. He would never ask my Father for a thing. He doesn’t know how to enjoy life.

So, after many years of waiting for him to hand over the reins of business, I am tired. I want it all (at least what is due me).

I have decided that I will just ask him for my portion; after all, I am entitled to it.

Do you think He will give it to me or not?

Thank you so much for spending the time to read my stories. You can check out my other stories here.

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comfort eboigbe

Hi, I'm Comfort and I am a Christian. I write to understand myself and others. Join medium (https://medium.com/@eboigbecomfort/membership) to see other things w