A Scary Movie That Made Me Jump

Hold on tight to your popcorn, this is going to get your nerves jangling.

Liam Ireland
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2020


Photograph of a poster by Universal Pictures

This morning I was reading an excellent article by a very good writer friend of mine, Akos Peterbencze, and he set me back thinking quite a lot really. You see, I studied film at university and ended up teaching the subject. I also went into acting in film and television as an actor.

Apart from doing lots and lots of soaps and drama series, I had a role in 'The Dresser' (blink and you'll miss me) with Albert Finney (for whom I was a stand in) and Tom Courtney. And yes I was on the platform at York railway station when 'Sir' (Albert Finney) yelled out......


So I do have quite an abiding interest in the subject.

And before you ask which are my fave films, I have to tell you one of my all time favourite films was Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick. I just love a good sci-fi movie, as long its science is believable.

And then I was thinking back to about 2005 when post separation and divorce I took to staying at home watching dozens, if not hundreds, of films. I saw many great films during that reclusive period of about ten years, some long forgotten, some not so.



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.https://www.amazon.com/author/ryanobryan