A Schoolboy Heist

Heisting back my school boy dignity

Liam Ireland


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

At Junior High school, I was the weakest link, the boy always being beat. One time, I was beaten to a pulp by a gang of fifteen thugs, just for the fun of it. As a result, I had low self esteem and no self confidence. It was a living hell.

One day, a new boy from the city started at the school. This boy wasted no time bragging to everybody about how he was the cock of the year in his last school. That was quite a clever way to keep any would be assailants at bay. People took him at his word and nobody ever bothered him.

The boy joined my remedial class and chummied up to the other twelve year old assassins. One day the class was sent out to play football. I was forced to play in goal, and in protest let a soft goal in.

The new boy ran at me screaming he was going to kill me. He had his face nose to nose with mine. I raised my arm and punched him so hard I knocked him unconscious. I thought I had killed him. With one lucky punch, I heisted back my dignity.



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.https://www.amazon.com/author/ryanobryan