A September Thank You Note to Readers

It Was a Doggone Tough Month

Bob Jasper


Photo by Howie R on Unsplash

As most of you who’ve been following me know, I slacked off in September. I wrote only 6 pieces the entire month — a poem and 5 stories, but I mixed it up. I wrote a couple of political pieces — my first foray into that genre — a couple on writing, one nostalgia piece and one spiritual story. As the month progressed and no story topics came to me, I decided to do an experiment. Since I wasn’t writing much anyway, I might as well learn something from this fallow time, right?

For the first time since I started writing on Medium back in mid-April, I didn’t write a monthly Thank-You note to you, my readers. I apologize for that. I tried to acknowledge everyone as they responded. But the highlighters and clappers remained unacknowledged until now. As you might expect, my earnings dropped. In fact, without residual earnings from stories written in previous months, I wouldn’t have made book.

So, what did I learn?1) Write, Dodo, write!

2) Be grateful, but express that gratitude.

As we both know: Gratitude Pays. That’s even the title of an article I wrote in mid-July. So, I can’t count that as new knowledge. It only confirms what we already knew.



Bob Jasper

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.