A Serving of Bush Roasted Chuck

An Amyish attempt at humour

Amy Marley


Outback Camping — photo my own

What. Am. I. Doing?!

My humour more commonly sparked in the moment.

Within the one-upmanship digs in a socially lubricated situation.

After a few frothies and cab savs at the local watering hole. Or after an esky top-up at the bottlo heading to a barbie.

You know.

The “my dick is bigger than yours” scenarios.

Or engine sizes.

Always seems to come down to balls and horsepower with the blokes.

My tits are way bigger than any balls..especially post being attached to a milking machine.

Pre-ankle-biters my cars were probably bigger than yours too. A bogan through and through. Born in the bogan capital of Australia… Frankston.

The sounds of V8’s doing burnouts my lullabies.

Or maybe these days it’s more about the size of a beard.

Might even be able to challenge you there. Italian blood gifting me hair in places I would prefer it didn’t.

I don’t even know what we are battling over?

A title.

A claim to fame.

