
A Short To-Do List For Covid Times

Something that I wanted to write in case it helps someone

Anu Anniah
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2021


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

India, and specifically Karnataka state where I live, is reeling under a huge wave of Covid infections. In contrast to this wave, it seems like we breezed through the wave in April 2020.

As I see multiple doom and gloom messages and talk to more and more friends and families affected by covid, I am making a list of ‘good things to do’ for everyone. By divine grace, my family and I have stayed safe. But the more I talk to others, the more I feel I need to share the list that is forming in my head.

Most parts of the world are getting their vaccine shots and helping contain the virus. But it is not happening as quickly as it should.

Pay attention to symptoms

A sniffle, a tiny itch in the throat, mild fever, anything that you would have normally brushed off because you are stronger than all that. Don’t be like that now. This virus is sneaky. It wants you to think you are ok. It loves playing mind games.

Best leave the judgment to experts. Call your family doctor or any trusted healthcare official and tell them what you feel. Describe your symptoms. Let them decide if it needs to be ignored or treated.

