A Simple 3-Step Framework for Learning How to Meditate

That Will Help Anyone Deepen Their Experience (Even Beginners)

Harsh Budholiya


Photo by Dane Wetton on Unsplash

I am a registered meditation teacher and have been meditating for 3 years.

Along the way, I have done all sorts of things to try to get better:

  • I used dozens of meditation apps like Headspace, Calm, Waking Up, 10% Happier, Insight Timer, Sadhguru, Balance, and many more. You name it.
  • I read many books on mindfulness, like The Power of Now, Think Like a Monk, and The Autobiography of a Yogi.
  • I also heard 100s of hours of podcasts like 10% Happier by Dan Harris, On Purpose by Jay Shetty, Tara Brach, and many others.
  • I even attended multiple meditation retreats across Australia and India.

And all of these things helped me progress on my mindfulness journey.

But if I had to start all over again (as a beginner), this is the simple framework I wish I had for learning how to meditate:

Step 1: Steady the body

Yoga asanas like Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) are a great way to prepare the body to sit still in meditation.

Step 2: Work with your energy



Harsh Budholiya

Meditation & Yoga teacher and student. Spreading consciousness through words and practice.