A Simple Exercise to Experience Being a Manifestation of Limitless, Loving Consciousness

This short exercise can take you beyond your intellect to give you a direct experience of your spiritual essence.

Jim Malloy
2 min readSep 1, 2023


Emerging from Infinite Consciousness
Image by Geralt from Pixabay

This exercise is based on four simple principles.

1. Limitless Consciousness is all that is.

2. Nothing exists outside of Limitless Consciousness. The entire manifest universe exists within it.

3. At each moment, Limitless Consciousness is becoming everything, including you.

4. Imagination has the capacity to connect you with higher realities.

As you go through this exercise, I suggest you put aside the notion of “doing it correctly.” Just follow the simple steps, and accept whatever happens.

Here are the steps.

• Sit comfortably, keeping your eyes open.

• Take a minute or two to look at your surroundings… and as you do, imagine that everything around you is a manifestation of Limitless Consciousness. Although it appears to be solid, it’s actually the non-physical light of Consciousness.

Now shift your attention to yourself, and imagine that you are a manifestation of Limitless Consciousness. Although you appear to be solid, you are actually the non-physical light of Consciousness.

Take a few minutes to imagine that you are coming into being at each moment. With each in-breath, imagine that Limitless Consciousness is becoming you.

• To help you tune in to this and stay focussed, you can think the mantra, “I am That I am.”

  • Think “I am” as you inhale… while imagining that you are coming into being with each in-breath.
  • And think “That I am” as you exhale… imagining that you are relaxing back into the silent, field of Limitless Consciousness.

• Continue until you feel ready to end the exercise.

Experiencing yourself and everything as Limitless Consciousness is at the heart of spiritual traditions world-wide.

Although the most profound spiritual experiences generally occur spontaneously, catalyzed by something beyond your own efforts, this exercise can give you a nice taste of your true essence as a manifestation of Limitless Consciousness.



Jim Malloy

I’m a meditation teacher living in Fairfield, Iowa. Trained in 1973 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I’ve been teaching meditation for 50 years.