A Simple Guide on How to Overcome Barriers to Success

Adeosun Abdulsamad
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2024
Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

The definition of success is subjective to every individual. I like to define it as the feeling that comes when achieving any goal (short-term or long-term). Everyone has barriers that slow down or block them from having success. It can be procrastination, fear, insufficient resources, or others. Most of these barriers will always be a part of our lives and will not just magically disappear because we want them to. Learning to overcome everyday challenges is vital on our journey towards achieving success.

We need to learn how to navigate issues and challenges that seem to drown us. Let’s take an example of a barrier, TIME. At some point in their lives, everybody comes to the same conclusion “Time is never enough”. There never seems to be any time to achieve our goals. The points shown below using time as a case study will provide you with a guide on how to overcome any barrier in your way of success.


Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

Have you ever heard of the domino effect? The domino effect is a practical example of how even the smallest steps taken consistently can lead to large results. To have a goal, you need commitment. To achieve that goal, you need consistency. It does not matter if you see the result or not. Never stop working towards your success. Never forget to avoid burnout and learn to take things steadily. Don’t go above your limit.

We will use time as a case study. For someone who thinks there’s never enough time. Document each activity in your day for a week and then determine what takes the most time. Your next step is to reduce the time spent on that activity/ies. Keep doing that consistently and voila, you have gotten yourself extra time.

2. Adaptability

Sometimes, Life sucks but ever heard this phrase?

When life throws you lemons, make lemonades

We must learn to adapt to survive, as the world is constantly changing. If you are going through a change in your life, get used to the changes. The world does not shape itself for us. We must shape ourselves to fit it and learn to compromise for a better future. Most of the successful people today were not chosen. They had to compromise for a world that was not favorable to them.

Imagine somebody losing their job. Their life will never remain the same. Upon getting another job, the person will have to adjust to a new work environment different from the one they are familiar with. How they respond to this change can determine their success. Do they fight it and end up being miserable or accept it and try to adapt? I believe we all know what they should do. Now implement it in your life starting today.

3. Patience

Photo by Tyler Milligan on Unsplash

This might be the hardest of them all. The changes we want in our lives don’t come instantly. It feels frustrating putting in all that work and not seeing any visible improvements. It depends on who you ask. What this means is to continue trying your best even if you don’t see results immediately. When trying to succeed in life, look at the big picture. We are not trying for short-term success. We are looking for something that’ll last us till we die. “When you feel like giving up, ask yourself, ‘Why did I start in the first place?’ ‘Am I satisfied with where I am?’ ‘Do I have nothing left to give?’ to remind you of the goal you’re aiming for.”

When trying to change a habit such as procrastination, one doesn’t expect to change in a single day. Keep making strides consistently and waiting patiently. You might make some mistakes along the way. It may feel like your goal is impossible to achieve. Just keep pushing until it isn’t so hard anymore.

4. Not everything can be accomplished by a single pair of hands.

It is impossible to solve every problem ourselves. That is why we have friends, partners, colleagues, and family. We need others to help us and hold us accountable for our actions. Trying to get rid of an addiction is easier with a support group than alone. Having somebody stand by you might be the only thing that keeps you going during some of the darkest moments of your life.

5. Pace Yourself

Little steps are okay. Don’t try to overextend yourself. Remember to take a break once in a while. You don’t want to lose all your gains.

I intend to follow all the lessons here. I hope you also will. Good luck to us as we begin our journey to success.

