A Small Video on the Internet, Changed My Life

Zenish Farooq
Published in
6 min readJul 13, 2023

Every individual is blessed with a guardian who gracefully fulfills their every need, guiding them through each day’s trials with unwavering support.

Some little incidents leave great remarks sometimes. This incident is one of them.


Leaving bigger impact results than my imagination. It led me to see the brighter side. I filled my mind with positivity and gained chills down my spine thinking about my ungrateful approach to life.

About the video that inspired me:

I was watching this video on YouTube, of a man on stage describing his life experience. It is common these days to share success stories everywhere, yet a few share their hard-learned lessons.

Charles Plumb, a U.S navy jet pilot. He encountered 75 combat missions in Vietnam. His plane was got shot by a missile. He made a safe landing with his parachute, was caught by the enemy, and was imprisoned for six years. Finally, he survived the trial and got back to his family.

This incident seems meek, as many fighters may get into this situation during a war. The lesson was learned when Charles was having breakfast with his wife outside, and a man approached him.

Questioning him, whether he is the same Plumb who flew” fighter planes” in Vietnam from the “Kitty Hawk” aircraft. Plumb was surprised. He asked him how in the world he knew those details.

Man replied — “I packed your Parachute”


Charles Plumb thoughts:

At this time, Plumb didn’t know how he should say “Thanks” to this person, how he owes him so much. The parachute saved him from burning in that jet.

Realization of how he was ignoring those small details. He never noticed these workers in smaller positions. He barely knows anyone’s names. Yet, there were those contributing to saving his life.

Plumb says that it is the job of that sailor, to fold the silks of each parachute. He has to weave the shrouds.

Little did he know that he is holding someone’s fate into his hands. A small moment of obliviousness might drag someone into the hands of death.

My considerations:

I was deeply hurt by myself because I comprehended the message of my life.

My actions and decisions are not solely based on my choices, it is also assisted by some unknown in my daily routine.

Let me break it to you. How we all are bound to every person around us, knowingly or unknowingly.

My understanding of the situation:

It was a shock to me that I thought I was a good human being overall who is surrounded by problematic people.

It occurred after learning the lesson that I was the one self-centered. I had so many benedictions in the form of people, in the shape of these little accidents. I was having a complaining attitude.

Guardian angels are real and they are everywhere. We have to just start observing.

Listen, my dear readers — — please be thankful.


You are obliged to your wife, mother, or any house member to help you with your chores. Those are your packed parachutes.

Your friends supporting you through thick and thin are your “safety parachutes”

Your office boy at your service is of great help without you knowing what importance these persons hold in your life.

A security guard is a regular person standing outside every building, protecting without you noticing.

You don’t have a glimpse of what will become of you if, by chance, you lack your security because of any reason.

What any passerby may be doing for you is never known to you. You never have an estimate of who moved the stone from your way when you were driving. Who put an additional check for whether you locked your car or not?

Every day, unintentionally, we are unfolding difficulties for anyone, and we barely have an idea of what that smaller and mimic work might be for someone.

These all are “your people.” These are “my people.”

Your sole goal of earning money can never be achieved with — complaints and self-degradation. A peaceful journey demands gear with a clear mind and soul.

Only then, you will be able to focus on your goalmouth.


Positive affirmations from us attract others, and they feel good intentions that ultimately urge them to connect with us. This is the energy we will need in professional life.

Let’s break the stigma.

The driver must drive safely. Still, many people encounter accidents every single day. But I should be thankful to every driver in my way for driving carefully.

Gratitude paves the way for positivity. Which ultimately leads to broad opportunities for self-improvement and practical life.


We are safe in an unsafe world:

People at your service get paid and are doing their job. Many have bad intentions or are not sincere in their work.

Be thankful that you are surrounded by dutiful people at your workplace.

Such a minor post holding so much importance makes us question our thoughts.

Some little words of communication, for example: hello, please, thank you, and sorry, are crucial. Seek a few seconds from our life to say these words to someone concerned.

Life is so subtle that we never get into the detail of the blessings we are surrounded by.

I want to say “thank you” to all my lovely readers for reading my article and making my day.

My emotions are derived from these connections.

I am thankful to the people around me for giving me feelings of pleasure, sadness, and surprise.

Even I feel obliged towards those making me angry. If it were not for them, I would never know how strong I am to fight these emotional states.

How would I know to deal with this world if it was not for that person who made me disappointed? I learned how to face disasters. Storms of life built me strong. Ready to take the world and its strokes.

Humans are there to help each other. A life is created and runs through contribution. Nobody ever did it alone.

He needed to buy food from someone, share the shelter, or share the workplace. The concept of humans being social animals arose from the same school of thought.

Let’s take out time, for our emotions to break the ice in our hearts, and see the world from the eye, whose sight is purely filled with contentment and self-realization.

We cannot identify individuals and their behaviors if we do not notice these trivial yet significant details around us. Life is distributing positivity every minute and I do not want to be late to gather some in my lap.



Zenish Farooq

exploring the world and sharing stories that inspire. Let's discover the wonders of the world together!"