A Songbird Died This Morning.

Ezra Godson
Published in
1 min readAug 19, 2020
Photo by Regine Tholen on Unsplash

A songbird died this morning…

An unexpected death,

And when she died,

The heavens cried,

With pity and regret.

Her songs were sung by many,

As fortunes to the sky.

And when she flew

Her wingspan proved

How steady she could rise.

Her mind was like a diamond,

Her smile, a summer gale.

Despite the vultures circling

Her life was setting sail

I used to listen soundly in the mornings with her tune,

I’d lip-sync soothing melodies and pilot graceful loops.

One day she started flocking with the foulest birds of prey,

They’d steer her to and fro until her feathers badly frayed.

Dismayed we warned her constantly, but she was not afraid,

Alarmed by hearing songs of grief, our hopes began to fade.

She hovered ever closer to the valley of the slain,

Bewitched from taking in the gift of poison through her veins.

She fluttered with an off-pitch voice,

She struggled with the wind.

She landed with a broken beak,

Her bones were brittle thin.

I turned away aghast and laughed,

The laughter of the mad.

How could a song bird’s soaring life,

End tragically so sad?



Ezra Godson

I'm a poet and author living abroad. I pen Quantum Drama, a personalized rhythmic style I developed using cadences and beats. I hope you enjoy quantum writing.