The Healing Butterfly: Special Events

A Special Event-The Equinox Gateway 9.22.2020

Tarot & Oracle Zoom One-On-One With Infiniti

Infiniti 🦋


Image by Infiniti

The Equinox is on Tuesday, 9.22.2020 — at 0 degree Libra. The sign of balance, justice, a day to become as neutral, in that zero point as possible.

The Equinox is when we have equal time of light and dark, day and night on that day. When this happens a Gateway opens allowing for our greater awareness-for us to tap into our Soul, our Spirit Guides and receive the information that will help us on our journeys.

This day is about balancing the light and the dark. There’s been too much dark for too many of us.

On this special day we can choose to tip the scales back in our favor, it is when we can choose to look at what’s been in our way, within us and outside of us — FEAR in many shapes and forms, sizes and threats play a role in our life that we have accepted, it’s a part of life to deal with fears, our own and each others and the reasons why they come up, why we are blocked why we do destructive things to ourselves and each other.

The Equinox a day for us to step up to our scales and take weight off of one side and put it on the other.

When we can take back more of the power in our life.

This is a special time, and it’s important to take advantage of this energy, to activate our inner awareness, and power for the future.

I also do a tarot reading to give us information about the energies we are to be intentional about for these readings on The Equinox.

This is about asking how you can eliminate blockages, barriers and interference in your life. We are to channel this information out for the collective. This video explains all of this.

Please watch and sign up if you are so guided.

There’s only 9 spots available, all of them are for 45 minutes at ONLY $22!

In a meeting with me, Infiniti and your Spirit Tribe to get information on how to clear inter-FEAR-rence from your system and delete those programs so you can be in better balance and receive information, messages, downloads and integrations from this point forward. This will also help us to handle the fears of others, to not allow theirs to trigger ours.

This offering is set a the super low price of $22 for this special day. This is a very low price for this type of service with me.

Please consider accepting this gift.

Ask your questions and be open to the information that is specifically to help you with your blocks and interference in your life. Is there a better time than The Equinox to intentionally get into balance?

Are you ready for ABUNDANCE to flow unimpeded? I sure am, and I want that for all of us and that’s why I’m offering my services at this extremely low rate.

All information that has come in is about clearing the way for us to move forward, getting rid of the energies that hold us back — individually and as a collective.

Consider this working towards this goal as a team. You, me and your Spirit Tribe working towards getting you and all of us over the humps that slow us down, keep us heavy and from ascending. We are stronger together, and now is the time to bring our power together for this common goal.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get Divine Information, connect with your Spirit Tribe, including all that Infiniti works with: The Angelics, The Archangels, The Galactics, The Fae, The Dragons, The Ascended Masters, The Elementals and GAIA.

This will be a 1–3 card reading, depending on how we’re guided using any of my Tarot and or Oracle decks, as I’m guided.

There’s only 9 spots available, so don’t delay in registering for this ASAP.

Book Your Spot Here:

Infiniti is a Top Writer on Medium, a Lightworker, Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium, Natural Born Quantum Distance Healer, Psychic Advisor, Channel, Medium, Pet Healer & Psychic, Soul Guide, Spiritual Liaison & Ascension Coach. Once living constant pain, now she eliminates pain in others!

Discover more:

Be guided today, and always Live In Love.

Visit the new spiritual publication: THE DREAMING 963 : A New Place For Old Souls



Infiniti 🦋

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.