A Story About Me!

Harshitha Kankanala
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2023
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If you are reading this, there is a high chance that you don’t know me, As this is my first article on Medium.

So, the purpose of writing this is to introduce myself to you.

Writing an article about yourself isn’t always easy. It’s similar to answering the question at an interview, tell me about yourself.

I will start with why I started writing online.

Initially, it was just because I enjoy writing but later it kind of became an addiction; who doesn’t like sharing their work with the world and getting appreciation?

So I am a Project Engineer by Profession and a Writer by Passion.

I always had a thing for writing, and although I am terrible with spellings, the auto-correct feature in ms-word took care of it.

It is a great feeling when some stranger reads your articles and connects with them.

LinkedIn journey

When I started writing on LinkedIn, I always wondered why anybody would want to hear from a 20-year old who hasn’t done anything significant in life but somehow it is going well till now.

You can check my profile www.linkedin.com/.in/harshitha-kankanala

  • It is the first platform I started my online writing thing
  • Gained 7000+ followers in a year
  • Achieved consistent growth on the platform.

Things I say to myself every morning

  • Life is like compound interest, the more you invest early on, the higher benefits you get later on.
  • Have the courage to stand up for yourself because if you don’t nobody else will.
  • Whatever you do will be Insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.
  • Don’t let your lack of preparation be an excuse to not start something.
  • At 22, the chances of finding love are weak. It was easier when you were 18 and high on half-read Shakespeare books.

Some fun facts about me

1. I am 22 years old and got laid off from my first job.

2. Till now, I have not been on a single trip with my friends.

3. All my life, I believed that Hollywood movies were not “my type” I was happily watching the movies of Shahrukh Khan but very recently, I have watched a few critically acclaimed movies like Titanic, and Persuasion, and, to my surprise I liked them.

5. My favorite shows are the Bridgeton Series, Vampire Diaries, Aspirants, and Broken but Beautiful.

6. I decided to be a writer when I was in high school but dropped the plan after college and did what everybody does- Engineering.

7. I really don’t enjoy reading non-fiction- It bores me.

8. In high school, I used to be a girl who used to complain a lot about boys, I googled it is called misandrist.

9. I have been journaling for almost six years now. I hope it is helping me in some or the other way.

10. I consider myself an introvert but my friends tend to disagree they say that I can’t stop talking.

11. I enjoy humming my favorite tunes and walking on the road at night time.

12. I don’t like to be told that I can’t do something or that it’s unsafe for me to do something — as a woman.

And there is a long list…

We all have it.

Finally, I believe that “I am a book that I myself have a hard time reading sometimes because there are chapters in it I wish were written better, Although I am not all pain and tears I happen to be a little too filmy”.

If you read till the end probably you find me interesting so stay tuned for more such content in my future blogs.



Harshitha Kankanala

Check out my LinkedIn profile -www.linkedin.com/in/harshitha-kankanala