A Stress-relieving Benefit of Spirituality: Easier Decision-making

It’s about being okay either way.

David Gerken


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

We make decisions every day. Some small. What should I have for lunch? Some big. Should I marry this guy?

It’s my experience that most people have a hard time with decisions, especially the big ones. They agonize.

And the reason is obvious, though people don’t necessarily think of it this way. They agonize because they think if they “get it wrong” they won’t be okay.

“What if I marry Mike and he turns out to be a total bore? And we have kids and get all entangled in each other’s lives. Then what? I’ll be miserable forever.”

“I’m pretty happy in this job, but the upside of the one just offered is way higher. I could make a ton of money. But I don’t know the people there and it could be a huge disaster.”

“The three bedroom house is nicer and in a good neighborhood. But it’s more expensive than the four bedroom which is more practical for our family. So it’s higher mortgage, less space but I love the house versus lower mortgage, more room for kids, but not as nice. AAGHH!”

Does this sound like you?

It’s big AND small decisions



David Gerken

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at davidgerken.net.