A Swan in Space

A poem for a friend who has transitioned.

Walter Pop Matthews IV


Photo by Federico Bottos on Unsplash

When I saw your profile those big eyes, filled with wonder, drew me in
They captivated me
I immediately wanted to know who you were and I didn’t even know why
I don’t know it could be A spiritual thing
Once you accepted my request as a friend
I immediately knew why
You are a visual artist and musician
Your thought pattern
Was way out there
I recently called you a Helium balloon🎈

Floating free through The clouds
Not being tied down

This earth didn’t seem like it could contain you
Your body may have been here but your spirit
Was already deep in the farthest reaches of Space

I’ll cherish in the short time i’ve known you

You supported my writing and you shared with me your paintings

Such a creative mind
I just wish we had more Time

Against the darkest void Your star seemed to Shine
I wonder what goes on Inside of the head of Someone that doesn’t want to
Live anymore



Walter Pop Matthews IV

A writer who has written an autobiography in poetry form, songs, a play and thought provoking commentary on various online platforms.