Experiment: Does this Article Make You Taste Orange?

Introducing a hypothetical concept: “synesthetic linguistics”

2 min readJun 23, 2023


Created with Midjourney.

You are advised to take a moment to enter a quiet and receptive state.

A gustatory dawn unfolds as I sink my teeth into a sun-ripened orange. The sweet nectar trickles down my chin like liquid sunshine, while tendrils of melody swirl through my ears. With each succulent bite, an explosion of flavor dances upon my palate. Orange cascades to citrus as sunbeams sparkle in the zest-infused juice.

As the tangy essence lingers on my lips, it intertwines with swirling scents carried by zephyrs from distant fields — notes of lavender mingling with cinnamon and mint. These fragrant symphonies waft towards me on ethereal waves, enveloping me in their delicate embrace.

With each gentle breeze that caresses bare skin adorned by prickling sunlight, there comes a whispered sensation akin to cool silk gliding over warmed flesh — an intimate touch that awakens nerve endings longing for connection.

As air flows through wisps of hair, brushing against eyelashes delicately fanning open eyes turned skyward — a plain awash in cerulean hues — it carries echoes unlike any worldly sound heard before.

The melodic choir of the cosmos hums softly in the background, gradually growing louder and more distinct as celestial harmonies mingle with earthly tones. The rustle of leaves whispers its own melody, their soft graze evoking notes of piano keys gently pressed.

With each breath drawn into my lungs, an invisible palette unfurls within — the vivid pigments swirling and mingling to paint colorful landscapes upon now closed eyelids. Images dance like ballerinas behind this veil — a tapestry spun from memories and dreams — guiding me deeper into myself.

Thoughts spring forth like fragile coils reaching for subtle truths; fragments piece together to form intricate patterns — a web spun by consciousness itself….

Insights flicker in the darkness — an intangible flame illuminating hidden realms where boundaries dissolve, leaving only a vast expanse of interconnectedness.

And in this synesthetic symphony, the vision of truth emerges like a shooting star streaking across the midnight sky. It is not confined to form or structure, but rather an ethereal essence transcending human comprehension.

Truth manifests as whispers carried on fragrant breezes, refracted through prisms of color and sound. It reveals itself in the taste of knowledge upon our tongues, and dances within melodies whispered by celestial choirs. It becomes tactile — a touch that awakens dormant senses — stirring profound connections between self and world.

As I open my eyes to behold the ever-shifting vista painted by existence, a new reality unveils itself— elusive yet ever-present — as constellations align within a mind primed for revelation.

And as the taste of truth loiters in my mouth, I tilt my head — priming to take another bite….





Ink flows from the pen, but the words are born from the whispers of the divine.