A Time Requiring Renewed Calls of Faith for All Americans, No Matter Your Origins

Is It Not Clear to the World by Now?


Photo by Alessandro Capuzzi on Unsplash

Until we can proclaim once again, that we are ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, for all the world to see, we will be vulnerable to the death thrust upon us by terrorist nations. All of our leaders must renew their faith and lead us in Godly ways; otherwise, we will have forfeited our protection from the One True and Loving God.

We need to return to being peaceful communities of faith, with our staunch American values, which we had always held. The best of America was when our villages of humble, temperate citizens did what was best for themselves and their families by doing what was best for their neighbors and the world.

Without God’s grace and mercy, we are left tearing each other apart. God does not see race — he sees our values and principles. He rewards temperance and love and is punitive to those who believe in self-righteous indignation. Taking matters into your own hands is a danger to those who do, because it is the humble who serve the greater good who will prevail, and not the ones who boastfully scowl and denigrate history, no matter the color of their skin.

Our history was blessed by God because we had the power to stick up to evil most of us alive today can only hope…

