A Truck-load of Mistakes

The reason we should embrace them

Daniel Asuquo
3 min readMay 1, 2022


Picture by Giulia Bernardelli

Let me start by re-iterating the fact that “good” and “bad” are largely based in perception and not actuality. Perceived goods and bads only look actual if the perception of the collective observer are in the same frequency. For example, in Nigeria, homosexuality is BAD!!! but you know that’s because Nigeria is a backward sorry religious, good for nothing sorry holier-than-thou, thriving-on-judgement kinda place. Little wonder why it’s booming of all the good things a person could hope for. That being said… In that same country, beating children is GOOD and they blame the drive-by shootings in the US on the fact that those people were not beaten as children… It’s how “sound” the logic is that baffles me.

Mistakes are not bad. No one likes to make mistakes because a mistake implies imperfection, error, what shouldn’t be etc and we have been made to think that these things are BAD! so we avoid mistakes. However, I have come to see that when a thing is prevalent, then it can’t be coincidental…it must be design and instead of trying to avoid the thing, we are to use that thing to our advantage.

If mistakes were bad, why do we all make them? And why are the number of mistakes usually in direct proportion to the size of the accomplishment we envision? To me it proves mistakes are design and design can’t be BAD! Yes it may be uncomfortable but until we find ways of gaining knowledge without experimentation, mistakes will keep being the evidence of the journey ahead. They can’t be BAD!

Blowing this up, I do admit that there are some mistakes that have been fatal. There are some “mistakes” that have led to tragic incidents such as people’s demise and as such they seem irreparable. So I guess those would be called BAD right? Well of course once it gets to the point where harm comes to another person, we have to look at it in another light. And in most cases, the “mistakes” that end up being so dire are mistakes where warnings have been ignored for long — and they most times don’t come from a good place.

Experimentation with the vision, for the purpose of serving self, or loved ones, or the greater good may have some collateral damage such as a man who builds a company but loses closeness with his children in the process— such can be said to have made a mistake but if the initial vison was noble (even if that nobility existed just in the mind of the first person), the person finds a way to keep moving forward and they usually fix what seems broken in due time. But if a mistake comes from the inability to see clearly such as a person who is moving about with the impaired perceptions of a heavy drug user, because this lifestyle is usually birthed in pain and disconnection, the results of such mistakes could be devastating. This is not to then say that mistakes are BAD in general, but we look past the mistake and we try to ascertain the cause — it is in the cause that we can more accurately draw conclusions.

To end this, mistakes are a part of our earthly experience and to achieve anything of note, apparent error will precede. Of course there are people whose mentality about mistakes will never evolve and that’s fine. For those who are ready to, or are already in the process of re-evaluating the concept of mistakes… This one is for you.

