M Siddiqui
Published in
6 min readMay 21, 2020


Image by Omni Matryx from Pixabay

The world had changed a lot since we came into existence. The science-fiction stories had come real, and the hope of those evolutionists who wanted to see the world as their own had been fulfilled. Though to the old bad habits of men, the games of war continued, only in a more terrifying way! The biggest problem with the population growth that had been overwhelmingly reduced by the blessings of the nuclear bomb welfare. Everyone was living a happy life.

In the present sophisticated world of that time, a backward country invited the heads of the ten richest and most prosperous nations to visit on one auspicious occasion. After much deliberation, they finally agreed. However, several conditions were subject to the curse. Involved in various claims, the country that wanted to be the host agreed.

Meanwhile, a national newspaper of that country published shocking information about the incredible expense of the invitation. The entire front page was a rich source of information for the guests. The bottom line was that the cost of this invitation would be the whole of the national budget for the next year! However, what they were going to gain in return was still a mystery and would come at an even greater cost.

The whole country was blown away. Intense protests began to take place in every street, in every city. Even the people threatened the authorities, but no action was taken by the government. Only when the agitated mob tried to vandalize something did the law-enforcement forces stop them. The people hesitated after such a steady, calm but mysterious behaviour of the government. Many left the protest and waited to understand the incident. Unable to do anything, everyone looked to the news, but was disappointed when nothing new was revealed to them. There were rumours that the country, which had fairly natural resources, was trying to sell at auction. However, the news did not get much attention. Those who believed did not get excited and waited to see if there would be a real auction. If so, they wanted to know how it would happen and who would get it. The whole world was surprised to see these strange and unusual events. What was actually happening!?

Eventually, the VIP plane landed in that poor country, a huge jet plane. It was understood that the powerful, nearly invincible aircraft was ready to face any unexpected challenges.

One by one, ten powerful personalities came down. The news that they would come together was received at the very last moment. Unbeknownst to everyone, they met at the UN headquarters ahead of schedule and came together from there. The reason was security: at that time, only these ten countries in the world had the power to fight against each other. So, nobody had the time to come up with an evil idea for the sake of personal safety. They did not even leave their rooms other than for formal meetups. All the gratitude was to the person who came up with such an idea.

The news was received at the very last moment. Was there no sense of self-respect in a poor country? To this end, a special limousine was arranged instead of ten. The answer to the guest’s questions and the astonished look was that “It’s safer to be together.” They felt the sting and were surprised and angry at the host’s daring behaviour, but they kept sweet smiles on their faces.

The guests arrived at the hotel reserved for them. Seeing the luxurious suite, everyone’s eyes glazed over. It was not that they hadn’t seen or used such an arrangement before, but in the case of such a country, it seemed a little too extra. It was indeed a matter of surprise. However, that way, it could be ensured that there would be no defects in the care of the honourable guests. There was no chance for mistakes either.

In the afternoon, a colourful program was held at the National Stadium of the country. After resting for a couple of hours, they were taken there, again in a car. One by one, they were bursting with anger. This time as well they got a gift of a sweet smile.

The status of the word ‘colourful’ in the colourful program was fulfilled to the fullest extent. The guests enjoyed it very much. The ceremony ended at nine o’clock at night. To their surprise, they were taken in separate cars to the place of dinner. The guests felt confused. They felt some fear, mainly due to not understanding the facts.

The dining room was huge. The surrounding walls were covered with various pieces of paintings and furniture. Guests proceeded to the dining table, admiring the perfect craftsmanship of the furniture. Everyone’s chair was marked with the flag of their country. They were seated with reverence.

As everyone sat down, the host drew everyone’s attention with an opening speech, ‘First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the distinguished guests, these great presidents, for responding to the invitation of this poor country.’ He said. ‘Your presence have made us feel grateful here. We are doing our best to serve you. I hope you will forgive us if we make any mistakes.’

As he paused, the president of the world’s fifth-richest country said, ‘No, no, Mr President. We are really impressed by your hospitality.’ Others agreed with him.

The president of country number two said, ‘Although some things are a little mysterious.’

The president of the world’s number one country could not resist adding an extra comment, his bad habit, ‘Tony is right. Hahaha,’ he said, naming the prime minister of the country number two.

Hearing such a remark, everyone felt uneasy for a moment. The host laughed to lighten the atmosphere. ‘You, Mr President, can make quite a funny joke. Hahaha.’ The rest laughed with him, a loud but sudden burst of gentle laughter. ‘Now, if the honourable guests would allow me, we can start the meal.’

When the dishes covered with round lids were placed on the table, he stood up. ‘Forgive me, oh, respectable guests. I would like to say just two things.’

The guests looked at him. No one noticed that even though there was a smirk on his face, his gaze was getting colder. He started again, ‘I mean a polite little joke.’ Again a smile. ‘The food was specially made for you. I am sure you will respond as soon as the lids are removed.’ The guests looked curious. ‘So I would like to make a condition if you do not mind.’

The guests smiled and gestured for him to say more. ‘The condition is that no matter what the food, all of you honourable guests must not respond before I ask something. If you show a reaction, you will have to count the amount equal to the national budget of our country for two years.’ He looked at everyone with a challenging smirk.

The president of the number one country in the world spoke out first, ‘Mr. President, your condition is serious but quite challenging. But you know that I love challenges, so I agree. What would you say?’ He asked everyone else.

Since the matter had officially become a challenge, everyone else agreed due to egoism, but with considerable discomfort.

The host smiled and motioned to the waiter to remove the lid. The fire seemed to come out of his eyes. ‘This is the meat kebab of the poorest people in the world, honourable guests.’ The guests looked shocked at the sudden but dark turning of the event.

Another lid was removed. ‘This is the Rezala of the wounded true religion.’ Then there was more. ‘This is the molten meat of an illegitimate child thrown in the dustbin. That is mineral oil soup, my honourable guests. This is the blind eyes of men. And that is the garbaged femininity of our women!’

The whole house was filled by the stench of the rotten smell. The guests could not get any relief even by pressing their noses closed. Some started vomiting; some even fainted to see such an arrangement.

The president of the world’s number one country was the first to say, ‘What is happening? What is happening!?’

The ten looked around the table at each other. Words could not describe the looks of horror they had on their faces. They looked at each other and then at the president, unable to answer his question.

Could they give up their ego? Should they accept it or not reveal the depraved minds that helped them build their empires based on the very things that the president had mentioned? Should they just fall for it to lose the challenge or lose their hearts filled with greed — which would be worse?

One by one, they made up their minds. They had no choice but to do what had to be done.

And it was over before they knew it. Would the heads of the prosperous nations regret it?

Or had they already?



M Siddiqui

Husband, Father and a student of English Literature and Creative Writing. Currently, chasing my lifelong dream to be a writer.