A Vision Beyond the Test Scores

Dr Femy
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2023

Break the silence for a brighter future.

Do you ever feel like your dreams are suffocating you, and that you are struggling to Break free?

Photo by Dagmara Dombrovska on Unsplash

It is with a heavy heart I write this today to address an issue that is happening in India, my country that is seeing a distressing rise in the number of suicide cases among students, and aspiring doctors, preparing for NEET.

NEET is a competitive exam or rather a gateway to realizing their dreams, conducted in India for students who wish to pursue their medical and dental studies. It is one of the largest competitive examinations in India in terms of number of registering applicants. Should I call them just applicants or young hearts brimming with aspirations and dreams of donning that white coat to make a difference in many lives?

aspiring doctor
Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

As a doctor who has walked through this path, I can tell you that becoming a doctor is strenuous yet rewarding, but it should never become a source of despair to anyone.

I write this article today with the mere hope that it ignites a small spark of motivation in students juggling to get through their academics or can help anyone who is on the edge of losing hope.

No doubt, getting through a competitive exam successfully is a journey with several roadblocks, challenges, and sleepless nights and needs a lot of dedication and sacrifice. As an add-on we also get to experience the immense pressure to excel academically and of course the constant demand for perfection.

Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash

All of this can create a lot of havoc in our brain and probably it is during this phase that we sometimes lose the site of our mental health. When expectations loom larger than life, the whisper of despair only gets louder. Yes, I know the struggle is real and therefore I feel it’s crucial that we shed light on mental health.

Why do we consider acknowledging stress or seeking help a sign of weakness? Are we ever going to normalize talking about mental health and not consider it a stigma?

picture with letter tiles reading mental health matters
Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

Life is not all about our grades in exams, it’s about resilience, it’s about a mindset to accept challenges, and it is about the courage to rise each time we fall.

So, for those going through a rough phase, it’s time! It’s time we cultivate a mindset that can turn failures into stepping stones. Having moments of self-doubt is OK! It’s totally okay to feel overwhelmed with anxiety and fear of failure. But, what’s not okay is to ignore the signs and reach out for support. Talk to anyone you are comfortable with, a friend or your parents!

Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash

Remember you are a part of a community that shares your dreams, your fears, and your aspirations. A community that can empathize and listen to you without passing judgment, because we have been through the same phase too.

Remember, your worth extends beyond just these test scores and together we can sail through these dark times. Do not hesitate to start a conversation about mental health or talk about your struggles. Together let’s create an environment where no one feels lost or alone.

Stay strong, stay resilient, and keep those dreams alive.



Dr Femy

Diving deep into Health, Wellness, Productivity, and Mindfulness: Join me on a journey to a Balanced Life!