Politics | Elections

A Vote Cast is Never Wasted

Ignore the polls and vote for the candidate of your choice

Jacquelyn Lynn
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2023


Photo by Jerry D Clement; used with permission | The author assumes responsibility for the copyright of this image.

The 2024 U.S. Presidential race is in high gear. Recently a few political pundits were speculating on why some big-money donors were putting money behind a candidate who was trailing in the polls.

The realist (or cynic) in me understands those donors have reasons that likely go beyond the current election cycle.

But it reminded me of the times over the years when I voted for candidates I was pretty sure wouldn’t win (and I was always right).

Decades ago, I mentioned to some friends that I was planning to vote for a third party candidate for President. They challenged me, and one said, “You’re throwing your vote away.”

No, I wasn’t.

I was casting my ballot for the candidate of my choice.

Even though I was young and idealistic, I recognized that he wouldn’t win. Still, I felt it was important that my vote reflect my feelings about all the candidates.

A vote cast is never wasted.

When I’m making my decisions on which candidates to vote for from President all the way down to the party committee person and…



Jacquelyn Lynn

Inspirational author, business ghostwriter. Need some great quotes? Get “A Book of Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages” free. Download at CreateTeachInspire.com/wisdom