A Week of Love Messages

They melt my heart and solidify theirs

Chetna Jai
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2021


Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

If you want to be creative, there are many ways to convey your love. The best ones are the least expected.

I miss my kids when they go to school. Though absent, they remain on my mind. And while they are busy learning and enjoying the company of friends, I want them to know that I am thinking about them. I say “I love you” throughout the day, outside of the regular times, such as in the mornings when they wake up, leave for school, and bedtimes. These feel routine. But the ones that are random surprises them. It’s rewarding seeing their reaction during those times.

I surprised my sons and sneak in some love to make their week. I used to leave notes in their lunch boxes. This time I took a fresh approach — I went bananas.

If you have never seen banana art, you must check it out. It’s writing or drawing on the skin of the banana that goes dark. By recess, it’s visible and the right shade of black. I mixed the usual messages with more creative ones that I knew would spark the best reactions. As soon as they exited the school doors, my 5-year-old always says, “Mummy why did you write…?” My 8-year-old says, “I saw what you did there!”

On Monday, I kept it simple: I love you!
On Tuesday, I kept it casual: Have a wonderful day.
On Wednesday I…



Chetna Jai

My external words are the inner me. I value freedom, travel and change. Always contemplating the philosophy of life.