A Writer’s Secret Weapon is Knowing When to Quit

How to quit without giving up.

Kyle Chastain


Have you ever gotten stuck while trying to write a piece of content?

I know how you feel. You’re jamming away writing and then you hit a wall. There is more you want to say, but you don’t know how how to say it. You stare at your screen for a few minutes, then you go back and re-read what you have already written hoping to clear the path forward. Nothing.

Then the answer hits you in the face–you’re a terrible writer.

I’m only kidding, but that‘s one of the many lies your brain will fabricate when you are stuck. You’ve experienced this, haven’t you?

When I have difficulty moving forward in my writing I use the old tried and true tactic. I quit.

The Only Way to Succeed

Some people say you should never quit–or “quitting is for losers.” I disagree.

As a writer, you should quit more often because–in my experience–you have to quit so you can succeed.

As writers, we often get stuck in our heads trying to figure out how to make progress on our current project. You come to a heading, a chapter, a sentence, or even an entire article and you do not know what to write next. That’s when things get dangerous.



Kyle Chastain

On a mission to become a better writer and storyteller | Building my "Insight" newsletter to 10k+ | Create the life you want: https://chastain.substack.com/