A Year Painted In Grey

A poem

Louis Dennis


Photo by Ireneuilia on Unsplash

The whole of a lifespan panning out within one year,
People dragging their bodies through the streets,
Like invisible sandbags attached to each shoulder,
Begging for it to come to an end and that it never repeats.

A silent sombreness being radiated,
As if the world has been smeared in grey,
Faces manipulated with melancholy.
Full with thoughts, yet nothing to say.

As we were ants trying to avoid the boot of a passerby,
Like sitting ducks patiently awaiting the next bullet.
How the scope of normality can be shifted so quickly,
So much has happened, that simply just shouldn’t.

Just as the seasons change over,
This too shall soon see its end,
For together we have suffered,
And together we shall mend.



Louis Dennis

Writing about the world and how I fit into it. Lover of languages and literature